Pet Memorials

Pet Memorials, boulders, gravemarkers, plaques
Pet Memorials, boulders, gravemarkers, plaques

Pet Memorials, Boulders, Gravemarkers, Plaques

A pet can be such an important part of our life and grieving for the loss of a pet can be a difficult experience.

After your pet has passed away, you may want to hold a funeral or memorial for them. Once you’ve given yourself time to grieve, you might start feeling like you want to celebrate your pet’s life and focus on the happy memories of your time together. Many people can find the process of creating a stone in their memory an important step in the bereavement process.

A permanent marker of their life can help you commemorate your pet in a way that will leave a lasting legacy. Although they have gone they not be forgotten.  They will always be honoured and remembered.

There are many forms in which a pet memorial can take. They are often smaller and simpler than a memorial for a person, perhaps a first name with the year of birth and death, though something more elaborate is certainly possible. For more details on Pet Memorials, Boulders, Gravemarkers, Plaques – please contact us.

Stone Carving Courses

Would you like to have a go at stone carving? Then why not book onto one of the Weekend Workshops we offer. We run courses throughout the year, suitable for absolute beginners and people with a little more experience.

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