Stone Carved Cute Swamp Dragon

Here he is, Swampy the stone carved dragon, finished at last and ready to go to his new home in a Hampshire garden. I have thoroughly enjoyed carving this cute dragon in our local Chilmark stone. I loved seeing him take shape and his character develop. Although the scales may look tedious, (and they are of course time consuming) it was kind of meditative and relaxing to carve them. I had good music on in the background and got into the zone. Before I knew it many hours had passed and Swampy had on a beautiful new coat of scales.

He is going to live in a home where hundreds of decorative flamingos reside. These flamingos are rented out and travel all over for parties and celebrations. I wonder if Swampy will go with them or stay at home and miss them or perhaps enjoy the peace and quiet when they’re away.

I would love to carve more dragons from stone in my New Letter Carving Workshop. Perhaps a big scary one would be fun.

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